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Civil Litigation - Private
comment #:
average rating is 1 out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
She’s a horrible example of a member of the judiciary. She’s lacking in intelligence and morality. Her stupidity is obvious in her rulings that fly in the face of the law and even require a violation of certain protections and privileges. The majority of her rulings can only be described as tyrannical. She’s vindictive and openly hostile towards certain members of the bar, especially if those members of the bar have been adversaries of a certain married male member of the bar with whom she has a close personal friendship. How she ever passed the vetting necessary to be a federal judge is beyond imagination. She is the reason that federal judges should be subject to removal with greater ease than currently exists, and she is the reason that motions for recusal should be decided by someone other than the judge who is the subject of the motion. She disgusts me and is the reason the legal profession has lost public confidence.
7/15/19, 2:16 AM
Hon. Micaela Alvarez

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