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comment #:
average rating is null out of 5
average rating is null out of 5
FJS... While his professional credentials are nothing to scoff at, his personality, which can best be prepared to that of a wooden indian, is off-putting. Admittedly, I'm judging his honor based on his social skills (or lack thereof) rather than on his legal ingenue, but seriously, I've seen cardboard boxes with more personality. The only time I've known him to show any descriptive emotion or reaction is when you ask the guy for a favor. At that point, you're treated to 3 seconds of awkward silence before he manages to mumble something about how nice it was to speak with you, but he must now make his way to some important event (read: boondoggle) which requires his attention.
7/15/19, 2:10 AM
Hon. Frederick J. Scullin, Jr.

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